The novel that started as a beautiful love story turned into a dark romance book. It became a treacherous life journey of a young woman’s breaking through the darkness to find freedom of body and mind.
Latha must pay the price of her passionate love for Kiyash. The theme snowballs into an epic saga of crime that surpasses all genre boundaries.
Their love is natural & unrestrained but a deep secret. They live in a society that imposes strict “love laws for women”.
These are the rules the lovers infringe on in a culturally abusive world that prevails in the countryside they live.
They run away to an obscure zone to build their nest. Nonetheless, fear stalks them as the cops and evil spies track their hideout.
Once detected, the girl has to withstand blackmail & psychological threats by her criminal family until the jackal squad kidnaps and whisks her away to a godforsaken zone.
A haunting saga of a phoenix woman rising from her ashes.
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